Saturday, March 26, 2016

The Wonder of History (The Early Man)

The Wonder of History (The Early Man)

 Around 50000 years back, there was the early man who had evolved fully (called by the name HOMO SAPIENS). This man (and woman too) was like you and me. This is where he started. the journey of man began with him and he is our forefather. 

This world is still unknown to most men. This world is not yet grounded in the fact that this world is all there is. 

Implicitly it has been grounded in our psyche because of the long development of man in terms of knowledge, stability to some extent, and co existence. 

The mystery of life and the world is not that acute. Implicitly most men do not look at the world, fearfully on he conscious level.

Sure men are still ignorant, the knowledge discovered by few men and implemented in the world has not percolated down to the masses. It is still early. Deep within, most men are still namelessly fearful, insecure and not rooted and grounded. They cling to their traditions that are their immediate and basic framework and know nothing else consciously. Basic knowledge has not been transmitted to the masses and men are not on the level. 

But this feeling of insecurity, lack of rootedness, and a total ignorance of the world as such, must have been more pronounced in the first man, the early man...

Think!! What a life must have been the early man's ....

He had to survive each moment. Each moment was a challenge to physically survive and feel safe.And he had to also be on the move. because to be in one place would be death, by starvation. 

Thus he had to be a nomad, Think how happy our lives are today with all the luxuries we have!! How safe we are and how wonderfully interesting too.

But it is still early. We have not yet risen to embrace the beautiful world that had been created. the primordial terrors, the deep fears, the beast in man without light, moves blindly and causes havoc each time in a  cycle of up and down...

That has been our history. 

The early man teaches us that we are lucky, that we need to fight to survive, that life is indeed relentless battle , and that safety, happiness and secure inner feelings are to be earned and are not automatically given. 

There is no romance in the early , life lived purely in nature as some philosophers claim sitting in their comfortable homes and on their arm chairs.  

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