Tuesday, October 2, 2012



You behold him,
and are struck
as you go on with him

a man like no other
you have met
he goes ALL OUT to help you
and it bewilders you
as you have never seen
such a thing

slowly you understand
it is not a pretence
it is true, fully true,
and you understand the
meaning of selflessness
not in holy books,
but in front of you, real,
true, living , objectified

as you go on, you see a man,
alone and living in his own world
you see his depth, his detachment,
his care a damn attitude,
his coldness, his sense of critical,
sometimes cutting words,

heis benevolent ,yet can be harsh,
and suddenly you understand,
it is the same thing.
The coin of goodness,
pure goodness has another side,
a critical mind,
not accepting badness and falsehood.

He is thus free! He is happy,
having done nothing wrong,
living up to the status of man.

And you are deeply happy,
to be with him,
he brings out your best,
opens your eyes,
sometimes hurting,
but always loving.,
seeking nothing from you
except the same goodness.

That is the miracle,
that he is thus simple, obvious,
but for that very reason ,
in this half hearted world,
difficult to understand,
as he will not sway from the truth.

You are pushed now,
to be your best , to be a better person,
 or leave.
The ball comes to you court,
and you are faced with choice-
completely good or easy life.

He is spreading that goodness
and he is there like a rock,
like a test-ALWAYS.


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