Tuesday, September 4, 2012



To be is to be one’s own self. What else would one be? And it is the greatest thing, the simplest thing, the only thing.
To be one’s own self is to have the courage to think one’s own thoughts, express one’s own feelings and doing things that are flowing from one’s own desires.
In the world that we live in, this is an unknown thing – at least as a conscious right. The very right to be oneself fills us with terror. To tell a person to be his own self is to really shake him!
What a strange inversion! What a terrible thing it is to do this to people - always, from childhood on till his death!
In a certain sense, everything that people tell us is a simple lie because everything that they say flows from this root- Don’t be yourself.
They do not tell you what you should be after renouncing your cell.
They tell us only: Whatever you desire, really desire, give it up!
This may seem like an exaggeration, but observe keenly the world, look beneath the words.
The root cause of all evils of the world is plain- Do not be yourself.
It has come to the point of being called a sin!
And people are so consciously conditioned that it is like a truism, an obvious thing. An obvious lie has become an obvious truth in the mind of the victim.
The only route to liberation- liberation out of this malady is to observe how this “don’t be yourself” works in your particular case and also to understand consciously how the principle harms not just you but actually everyone.
All the virtues that people tell us is false because at root it is to condition you to this “don’t be yourself” principle.
Love others, love your neighbour, listen to others- notice that it is someone other than you who is the recipient of what you do. But you must be a recipient of what you have done.
Then what is love? You may ask. Love – the greatest thing as people say.
Love is an emotion that you feel when you achieve values. If a thing is a value, according to your judgment and you want it, then you love!
Don’t you see, without YOU, the judging entity; there is no love, no possibility of it at all!
What about living for society, you may ask. What or where is society? Society means a group of individuals. You and you and you and many such you make up a society and a society to be a value can come about only you do not sacrifice yourself to another you, where you mutually benefit each other and share work and knowledge and trade …
What else can be society?
You see YOU are the end, the meaning , the glory, the reality and you are all that you need or rather you are the source of any action, thought and feeling!
So what is the solution? How does one break the prison walls of the world?
The solution should begin with you. You must realize, see, appreciate the fact that you have hundred percent rights to yourself, to live in accordance with what you think, judge, feel independently.
You are the end of ends, you must realize…
After which it is easy because you lose the need to convince, impress, coerce, force, influence others. You will fundamentally deal with them on a benevolent basis looking for values in them and granting only that which they deserve.
You will then feel a deep, enduring joy, a joy that stays with you and cannot be taken away from you and is the most natural thing!
That is normal, right and life in the real sense.

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